Marie Avgeropoulos Funny Cute Girl Tumblr

Unpopular Opinion

In season five the fighting pits were actually a really smart way to keep people in line. Honestly how were they dealing with crimes before then wasn't much better but let's be honest the grounders were already executing criminals and so was skaikru, hell they sent the delinquents to earth when they had no idea if they'd live or painfully die from radiation so what's so wrong with giving the criminals a chance to redeem themselves?

Obviously I don't agree with everything Bloodreina did but most of it especially in the bunker made a lot of sense. I just didn't understand why everyone was so upset with the fighting pits, how was that worse then shooting people out into space to suffocate or tying people to trees and stabbing them as many times as you feel fits the crime?


octavia blake:

your human definition of bisexual panic, one hell of a hufflepuff, mixed with chaos and some anxiety/family issue, a giant soft spot for kids, and, oh yes-wholesome badass with zero hesitation and/or patience for assholes.

niylah being the only one who cared about octavia's mental health in s6

What kind of fucked up Clarke/Bellamy stanning does someone have to be doing to think that Octavia's killed more people than Clarke "Genocide Barbie" Griffin or Bellamy "Genocide Ken" Blake?

Octavia's kills are direct and face-to-face. She doesn't push buttons or pull levers and erase entire civilizations. She doesn't kill wantonly. All of her kills are direct and purposeful. If you asked her, she could tell you precisely why she killed each person that she did, and "was in the wrong place at the wrong time" isn't ever one of them.

There are plenty of lists that attribute kills to her tally that aren't even hers, yet even on those lists she *still* comes out with fewer kills than those two. Not to mention she's saved humanity twice, and has saved far more people than she's ever killed, and those two can't say the same.

You know, Bellamy's death was really the only way the Blake sibling relationship could properly end.

Because let's be real - never in a million years was Bellamy ever going to apologize to Octavia for what he did to her, even though she did to him. He didn't even conceptualize what he did to her as wrong in the first place. So with that elephant in the room, their relationship could only ever remain unequal.

So, like the others who refused to even acknowledge their wrongs against Octavia - that is, Abby and Kane - he was fated to die away from her, taking his wrongness to the grave. Meanwhile Indra, who did make some measure of apology (though still stopping short of actually saying the words, but at least acknowledging her part in all of it), gets to live, and hopefully at some point during the eternal beach party she will actually say the words to properly apologize to Octavia.

Being free of the burden of her brother is one of the best things that's ever happened to Octavia. Now she can live. She can be a parent to her child, rather than an aunt looking over her shoulder at the pretty lights at the bottom of the lake. She can have her romantic relationships, without worrying about her brother disapproving of her partners. She can build friendships with the people around her based on who she is, not on who he is.

Now she is finally free.

You know, it still pisses me off that so many people - JRoth included - credit Bellamy as inspiring Octavia's plea for peace and unity and for people to lay down their weapons in the finale.

As if peace, working together and "one crew" isn't something that she damn near invented in this 'verse.

As if she wasn't the first of the 100 to see the humanity in the eyes of the enemy.

As if she wasn't the first to risk her own life to save a Grounder from her own people.

As if she wasn't the one who insisted on saving all of the clans instead of just her own.

Peace and unity was always Octavia's thing, not her brother's. Yet for some reason people want to define the totality of her character by the one era in which she didn't - an era shaped by years of trauma and horror that didn't give her the  luxury of trust - and think it is new and unique that she wished for people to lay down their arms instead of fight.

No. That's what she always wanted. And that was something that she could believe in again, after ten years of healing her trauma. It was not new or unique - it was her as who she has always been. The only difference was that this time it came from a place of experience and wisdom, rather than a place of hope and naivety.

No one else could have done what she did, least of all Bellamy.

Octavia Blake is the best character of the 100 and you can't convince me otherwise. My girl went through so much and still a badass queen . I LOVE HER.

Hecate (Ἑκατη)

Hecate (Hekate) is a goddess of Greek mythology who was capable of both good and evil. She was especially associated with witchcraft, magic, the Moon, doorways, and creatures of the night such as hell-hounds and ghosts. She is often depicted carrying a torch to remind of her connection with the night and in sculpture with three faces, representing her role as the guardian of crossroads.She was the only child of the Titans Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea.

Hecate was once a widely revered and influential goddess, but her reputation has been tarnished over the centuries.She was represented in triple form from the early days of worship. The Triple Goddess is the divine manifestation of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of heavens, earth, and underworld.

It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
And, baby, now you do


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